December 19, 2019
Father George Metallinos Resource Page
Fr. George Metallinos Has Reposed
Is Orthodoxy? (Protopresbyter George Metallinos)
Orthodoxy as Therapy (Fr. George Metallinos)
The Truth About Christmas and the Myth-Making of Christmas
The Resurrection of Christ and the Death of Death: The Greatest Event in Human History
The Resurrection of Christ is the Annihilation of Death
Paradise and Hell In the Orthodox Tradition
Meatfare Sunday: Love, Yes, But What Kind of Love?
Sunday: The Weapons of a Christian (Fr. George Metallinos)
The Victory of the True Faith
Heretics: Unhealed Healers (Fr. George Metallinos)
Constantine the Great and Historical Truth
of the Commemoration of the Seventh Ecumenical Synod (Fr. George Metallinos)
The Message of the Teachings of Saint Gregory Palamas for our Times
Saint Gregory Palamas, Father of the Ninth Ecumenical Synod (1 of 3)
Saint Gregory Palamas, Father of the Ninth Ecumenical Synod (2 of 3)
Saint Gregory Palamas, Father of the Ninth Ecumenical Synod (3 of 3)
The "Kollyvades" Fathers of the Holy Mountain
Challenge of the Enlightenment and the "Kollyvades" Fathers
Homily on the Seventh Sunday of Matthew - On Pharisaism (Fr. George Metallinos)
Faith And Science In Orthodox Gnosiology and Methodology
Orthodox Faith and the Natural Sciences
The Transplantation of the Western Conflict with Science in the Orthodox East
The Orthodox Scientist Today (Fr. George Metallinos)
Burial or Burning? An Orthodox Evaluation of Cremation
The Wives of Priests as Heroic Women
The Lessons I Learned From My Acquaintance With the Athonite Father Paisios
Interview with Father George Metallinos About Saint Porphyrios
Obituary For Protopresbyter John Romanides (+ 11/1/2001)
in Orthodox Hymnography (Fr. George Metallinos) - 1 of 3
The Judases of the Church (Fr. George Metallinos)
(1) Orthodoxy's Worship: Christian Worship
(2) Orthodoxy's Worship: Liturgical Order and Historical Evolution
(3) Orthodoxy's Worship: The Worshiping Community
(4) Orthodoxy's Worship: “Churchifying” the Agents
(5) Orthodoxy's Worship: Liturgical Theology
(6) Orthodoxy's Worship: The Liturgy
(7) Orthodoxy's Worship: The Sanctification of the Entire World
(8) Orthodoxy's Worship: Worship and Spiritual Life
(9) Orthodoxy's Worship: The Liturgy After the Liturgy
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