St. Titus the Presbyter of the Kiev Caves (Feast Day - February 27) |
Kiev Caves Paterikon
Discourse 23: The Priest Titus and the Deacon Evagrius,
Two Brothers Who Were on Very Bad Terms With Each Other
(which is part of the epistle of Bishop Simon
of Vladimir and Suzdal to Polycarp the Monk)
Now I will tell you yet another remarkable miracle, which I myself witnessed. It happened as follows in the same holy Caves Monastery.
There were two spiritual brothers, the deacon Evagrius and the priest Titus. They loved each other deeply and sincerely, so that everybody marveled at their harmony and boundless mutual affection. But the devil, that hater of good who is always roaring like a lion seeking someone to devour, made enmity between them and instilled such hatred that they would not look at each other. The brethren often begged them to be reconciled, but they would not listen. When Evagrius was standing in the church and Titus came in with the censer, Evagrius would avoid the incense; and if he did not do so, Titus would go past without censing him. They remained for a long time in the darkness of sin, since when Titus was celebrating Evagrius refused to accept absolution and received communion in anger. It was the enemy that put them up to this.