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February 5, 2020

Saint Theodosius, Archbishop of Chernigov (+ 1696)

St. Theodosius of Chernigov (Feast Day - February 5)

Saint Theodosius was born in the early 1730's in the Podolsk governance. He was descended from a noble family, the Polonitsky-Uglitskys. His parents were the priest Nikita and Maria. The Saint was taught Christian piety in his parents’ home, and this piety remained with him throughout his life.

From childhood he was distinguished by a fervent love for God and zeal for the Church. The innate abilities of the youth came to light at Kiev’s Theophany School at the Kiev Caves Lavra (the future Theological Academy). The school was flourishing at the end of the 1640s, when its rectors were Archimandrite Innocent (Gizel), and Abbot Lazar (Baranovich), who later became Archbishop of Chernigov. Among its instructors were: Hieromonk Epiphanius (Slavinetsky), Hieromonk Arsenius (Satanovsky), Bishop Theodosius (Baevsky) of Belorus, Abbot Theodosius (Saphonovich) and Meletius Dzik. These were the enlightened men of those days. The comrades of Saint Theodosius at the school would become future outstanding pastors: Simeon Polotsky, Joannicius Golyatovsky, Anthony Radivillovsky, Barlaam Yasninsky. The Kiev Theophany School was the chief center in the struggle of Orthodoxy against the assaults of Catholic clergy, particularly the Jesuits.

Saint Theodosius grew to spiritual maturity near the relics of Saints Anthony and Theodosius and other God-pleasers of the Kiev Caves, and he tried to imitate their holy life as much as he could. He devoted all his free time to prayer, meditation on God, and the reading of Holy Scripture.

It might be surmised that the Saint did not finish the full course of studies, since the school ceased its activity for several years following the devastation of Podolia by the Poles. All his life the Saint had a deep regard for the Kiev Caves Lavra where he was educated. In the Synodikon of the Kiev-Vydubitsk Monastery is the following comment about Saint Theodosius: “He was a man of fine intellect, and generous to the Kiev Brotherhood Monastery.”

Upon receiving his education, the future hierarch received monastic tonsure at the Kiev Caves Lavra with the name Theodosius, in honor of Saint Theodosius of the Caves (May 3).

Metropolitan Dionysius (Balaban) of Kiev made him archdeacon of Kiev’s Cathedral of Hagia Sophia, and then appointed him steward of the episcopal household. Soon he left Kiev and went to the distant Krupitsky Monastery near Baturino (in the Chernigov diocese), which was famed for its strict monastic life. There he was ordained to the holy priesthood, but remained there only a short time.

In 1662, Saint Theodosius was appointed abbot of the Korsun Monastery in the Kiev diocese, and in the year 1664 he was made head of the ancient Kiev-Vydubitsky Monastery. This monastery had fallen into the hands of the Uniates and Poles at the beginning of the seventeenth century and was in complete ruin. Thanks to the energy and initiative of Saint Theodosius, the Vydubitsky Mikhailovsk Monastery was quickly restored.

He was particularly concerned with the order of church services. He formed an excellent choir, which was famed not only in Little Russia, but also in Moscow. Saint Theodosius sent his singers to Moscow in 1685 to instruct their choirs in Kievan chant.

As a strict ascetic himself, Saint Theodosius was concerned with the spiritual growth of his monks. He founded a small skete on the island of Mikhailovschina, not far from the monastery, for brethren wishing to live in solitude. He appointed the hieromonk Job (Opalinsky), one of the most zealous monks of his monastery, to organize and administer the skete.

Saint Theodosius had to live through some quite difficult days, enduring many sorrows. He and other abbots were accused by Bishop Methodius of Mstislav and Orshansk of betraying Russia in a supposed correspondence with the enemies of Russia.

On September 20, 1668 Saint Theodosius explained the matter. On November 17, 1668 the lie was exposed, and Saint Theodosius together with the other abbots were vindicated. Archbishop Lazar (Baranovich) esteemed the high spiritual qualities of Saint Theodosius and befriended him. He called him “a sheep of the flock of Christ, teaching by humility,” and he prophetically expressed the wish that the name of Saint Theodosius might be inscribed in Heaven.

When Archbishop Lazar became locum tenens of Kiev’s Metropolitan See in 1689, he appointed Saint Theodosius as his vicar in Kiev, while he remained at Chernigov. In his capacity as vicar of the locum tenens of the Kiev Metropolitan See, Saint Theodosius had an active role in many ecclesiastical events. In 1685 he participated with the right of a decisive vote in the election of Bishop Gideon (Chetverinsky) as Metropolitan of Kiev, and he was sent to Moscow with news of this event with Abbot Jerome (Dubin) of Pereyaslavl . In Moscow, both representatives were received with honor and esteem. Indeed, the result of this delegation was the reuniting of the Kiev Metropolitan See with the Russian Orthodox Church.

In 1688 Saint Theodosius was appointed archimandrite of Chernigov’s Elets Monastery, replacing the deceased Archimandrite Joannicius (Golyatovsky). In appointing Saint Theodosius, Archbishop Lazar told him to spare no effort in placing the Elets Monastery in good order. This monastery had not yet been set aright after the expulsion of the Jesuits and Dominicans, and it was in great disorder.

Through the efforts of Saint Theodosius, in his two or three years as abbot, the monastery’s revenues and properties increased, the Church of the Dormition was repaired, and a copy of the original Elets Icon (Feb. 5) was enshrined there that worked miracles.

In his new position, the Saint also assisted Archbishop Lazar in many important matters. He participated in drafting a conciliar reply to Patriarch Joachim of Moscow in response to his questions about the attitude of the Kiev Metropolitan See to the Council of Florence, and its judgment on the question of the transformation of the Holy Gifts as accepted by this Florentine Council. When the Patriarch proved to be unsatisfied by these answers, the Baturino Abbot Saint Demetrius (the future Metropolitan of Rostov) was sent to him at the beginning of 1689. Saint Theodosius journeyed with him as the representative of Archbishop Lazar. He was entrusted with the delivery of a letter to the Patriarch, and to clear up the misunderstandings.

Because of his poor health, Archbishop Lazar wished to see Saint Theodosius consecrated to the episcopate, seeing in the Saint a worthy successor to himself. On September 11, 1692 the election of Saint Theodosius as Archbishop of Chernigov was confirmed, and he was consecrated in the Dormition Cathdral of the Moscow Kremlin two days later.

Little information regarding Saint Theodosius’s administration of the Chernigov diocese has been preserved. The Saint worked incessantly to raise the level of true Christian piety in his flock. He also focused on maintaining old monasteries, and founding new communities.

At the very beginning of his episcopate, the female Pecheniksk Monastery was established with his blessing, and he himself consecrated the monastery church in honor of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos.

In 1694, a skete was founded near Liubech. The same year, at the Domnitsky Monastery, the Saint consecrated a temple in honor of the Nativity of the Most Holy Theotokos. In the summer of 1695, he consecrated a majestic temple in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos, on the summit of Boldino Hill, near the ancient Monastery of Saint Elias. Under Saint Theodosius there was a special enthusiasm for and strengthening of monasticism in the Chernigov diocese.

The Saint also devoted much attention to the clergy, and he tried to choose worthy candidates for the priesthood. He also encouraged the pastoral education of the Chernigov clergy. He invited learned monks from Kiev, among whom was Saint John (Maximovitch), the future Metropolitan of Tobolsk (June 10), and also a helper and successor of Saint Theodosius in organizing the Chernigov clergy school.

Strict uprightness in regard to clergy and flock, deep compassion, concern and Christian love of peace were distinguishing features in the activity of Saint Theodosius. Not only did the Orthodox turn to him for help and advice, but even persons of other confessions.

Saint Theodosius did not remain with his Chernigov flock very long. Sensing the approach of death, he summoned the administrator of the Briansk Svensk Monastery, Saint John (Maximovitch), and appointed him Archimandrite of the Chernigov Elets Monastery.

Saint Theodosius died on February 5, 1696, and was buried in Chernigov’s Saints Boris and Gleb Cathedral Church, in a special crypt near the right cleros. His successor Saint John (Maximovitch), who was healed of a grievous illness by Saint Theodosius, later placed a stone plaque over his grave with a poetic inscription in gratitude for the Saint’s help. The special grace which Saint Theodosius attained is shown by his ascetic life and his assistance to all who turn to him in prayer.

After his death, the holy shepherd showed his abiding care for his flock through a large number of apparitions and miraculous cures. Seventy-six years after his repose, the body of Saint Theodosius was discovered to be incorrupt and, from that time, his veneration spread throughout Russia. The glorification of Saint Theodosius occurred on September 9, 1896.

Apolytikion in the Fourth Tone
O holy Hierarch Theodosius, thou wast found to be most worthy among bishops, and a light to thy flock, when translated to eternal mansions. Pray at the throne of the King of glory, that we may be delivered from all present evils, that our souls may be saved by thy prayers.

Kontakion in the Fourth Tone
O holy Hierarch Theodosius, thou didst labour for Christ, by grazing thy rational sheep on spiritual pastures; thou didst receive the gift of healing from Christ the Saviour, to cure all who come to thy relics, from bodily and spiritual infirmities. Pray for those who call on thy name, that our souls may be saved from the enemy.

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