I have an amazing little booklet available I wanted to offer to my readers for purchase which would make especially great reading for Great Lent. Recently I was commissioned to translate some beneficial writings of Righteous Alexei Mechev, but it didn't fall through and I was left with a bunch of booklets I would like to now sell instead of counting my losses. Please order today!

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June 23, 2020

Synaxis of All Saints of Vladimir

The Synaxis of All Saints of Vladimir is a festival in honor of the Saints of the Russian Orthodox Church, whose life was connected with the territory of the present Eparchy of Vladimir. It is held on June 23, and was established in 1982 with the blessing of Patriarch Pimen on the day of the celebration of the miracle of the Theotokos of Vladimir which took place in 1480 against the invasion into Moscow of Khan Achmed and his army.

Among those commemorated today are:


Avraamiy the Bulgarian († 1229)
Mitrofan the Archbishop († 1238)
Patrick the Holy Martyr († 1411)

Venerable Men

Nikita of Pereyaslavl († 1186)
Elijah Muromec of Pechersk (+ about 1188)
Pachomius Archimandrite and Theodosius († 1237)
Daniel of Uspensk (+ 1238)
Mikhail of Vyazniki († 1333)
Sergius of Radonezh († 1392)
Roman of Kirzhach († 1392)
Pakhomiy of Nerekhta († 1384)
Evfimiy of Suzdal († 1404)
Stefan of Makhra († 1406)
Nikon of Radonezhy († 1426)
Kosma of Yakhroma († 1492)
Job, Archimandrite of Vladimir (XV century)
Arkady of Vyazniki (+ 1592)
Prokhor and Vassian of Zayastrebye (+ 1592)
Dionysius of Pereyaslavl († 1645)
Lukian of Aleksandrov († 1654)
Cornelius of Aleksandrov († 1681)
Zosima of Aleksandrov (+ about 1713)

Venerable Women

Maria (monastic name: Martha) († 1206)
Theodosia (monastic name: Euphrosyne) († 1244)
Evfrosinia of Suzdal (+ 1250)
Vassa (in the monastery of Theodore) Nizhny Novgorod († 1378)
Sofia of Suzdal (+ 1542)
Theodosius of Murom (XVII century)


Maksim of Kiev (+ 1305)
Aleksy (Byakont) († 1378)
Iona of Moskow († 1461)
Hilarion of Suzdal (+ 1707)


Dionysius of Suzdal († 1385)
Arseniy of Elasson (+ 1625)


Theodore of Rostov (+ 1023)
John of Rostov († 1214)
Simon of Pechersk († 1226)
Kirill of Rostov († 1262)
Serapion of Vladimir († 1275)
Theodore of Vladimir († 1286)
Vasili of Ryazan († 1295)
Sofroniy of Suzdal († 1654)
Mitrofan of Voronezh (+ 1703)


Gleb of Murom († 1015),
Konstantin of Murom (+ 1129),
Mikhail and Fyodor of Murom (XII century)
Boris of Turov (+ about 1160)
Izyaslav Andreevich († 1165)
Mstislav Iziaslavich († 1172)
Andrei of Bogolyubovo (+ 1174)
Gleb of Vladimir (+ 1174)
Mikhail of Vladimir (+ 1176)
Pyotr of Murom ( † 1228)
Yuri Vsevolodovich († 1238)
Vasilko of Rostov († 1238)
Vsevolod Yuriyevich of Vladimir
Mstislav Yuriyevich
Vladimir of Vladimir
Dimitry of Vladimir († 1238)
Fyodor Yaroslavich of Vladimir († 1246)
Svyatoslav Vsevolodovich († 1253)
Aleksandr Nevsky (+ 1263)
Dmitri Svyatoslavich of Yuryev († 1269)
Dimitri Aleksandrovich († 1294)
Theodore Starodubsky (+ 1330)


Irina of Murom († about 1129)
Fevronia of Murom († 1228)
Agathia, Theodora, Maria and Christina († 1238)
Evdokia of Vladimir (XIV century)


Georgiy and Iulianiya of Murom (+ 1604)
Karp of Medush (XVII century)
Savva of Moshok (+ 1592)


Cyprian of Suzdal († 1622)
Evdokia of Suzdal (+ 1776)
Parthenius of Suzdal (+ second half of the 16th century)

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