I have an amazing little booklet available I wanted to offer to my readers for purchase which would make especially great reading for Great Lent. Recently I was commissioned to translate some beneficial writings of Righteous Alexei Mechev, but it didn't fall through and I was left with a bunch of booklets I would like to now sell instead of counting my losses. Please order today!

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November 6, 2020

Troparion of Venerable Varlaam of Keretsky

St. Varlaam of Keretsky (Feast Day - November 6)

Troparion of Venerable Varlaam of Keretsky
Tone 1

Enlightened by God's grace from above, O venerable father, thou left the earthly sorrow of all the tumult of the world. Out of love of Christ thou didst reject it all defiantly. Thou followed Christ according to the Gospel and didst obey His will in all things, and relied upon Him with all thy mind and heart unequivocally, and thou renounced the flesh with fasting and vigil, and in prayer unceasing thou begged for God's mercy and the intercession of the Most Holy Theotokos. In return God granted thee strength against the fierce enemy. Without fear of the cold, heavy wind and the harsh sea, thou humbled thyself still more, and thou didst make a journey in a small boat over the depths, through the turbulent sea, inspired by divine providence, and thou made the impassible sea way at Svyatoy Nos safe from the sea worm and safely passable by men without any harm. Leading an angelic life, also after your death thou dost distribute the blessing of miracles, and thus we come in faith to the reliquary with thy venerable relics, most blessed Varlaam, our father, and we cry out to thee: pray to Christ the Lord that He may save our souls.

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Тропарь преподобного Варлаама Керетскаго
глас 1

Божественною свыше просветився благодатию, преподобне,/ мир оставил еси,/ житейскую печаль и всяк мятеж мира сего/ любве ради Христовы со дерзновением отвергл еси,/ евангельски Христу последовал еси,/ и, Того ярем взем, во всем воли Его повинулся еси,/ и весь разум и сердце к Нему неуклонно возложил еси,/ Христа ради тело свое изнуряя постом и бдением, в молитвах своих не усыпая,/ Бога милостива творя и Пречистую Богородицу Молебницу предлагая,/ и сего ради от Бога восприем власть и силу на сопротивнаго врага,/ не убояся воздушныя и морския тяготы и студени, ниже уклонися,/ и морскою пучиною в мале ладиице по водам шествие творя,/ против зельнаго обуревания плаваше,/ промышлением Божественнаго разума направляем,/ и около Святаго Носа непроходимый путь морский/ от ядовитаго червия/ благопроходен человеком без вреда сотворил еси молитвами своими,/ и многим терпением во временней жизни подвиг совершил еси,/ и, равноангельное житие пожив,/ темже и по преставлении источаеши чудес благодать/ иже верою приходящим к тебе, Варлааме, преблаженне отче наш,/ вопием ти: моли Христа Бога,/ да спасет души наша.

English translation from the book A Flame Out at Sea (2019) by Dmitry Novikov.

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