Old Testament Readings for Great Lent: Day 3 - Clean Wednesday
Homily for the First Wednesday of Great Lent (St. Theodore the Studite)
Homily on Fasting and the Origin of the World (St. Gregory Palamas)
Homily to Encourage Fasting (St. Gregory Palamas)
Homily for the First Wednesday of Great Lent (St. Theodore the Studite)
Homily on Fasting and the Origin of the World (St. Gregory Palamas)
Homily to Encourage Fasting (St. Gregory Palamas)
Homily for the First Wednesday of Great Lent (St. Ignatius Brianchaninov)
Reflection for Clean Wednesday (St. Theophan the Recluse)
Homily for Wednesday of the First Week of Great Lent at Great Compline: About Fasting and Repentance