As Patriarch you stand next to the Patriarch,
The divine elder Abraham O Nikephoros.
On the second Nikephoros found a share in heaven.
Synaxarion of the Translation of the Relic of Saint Nikephoros the Confessor
Saint Nikephoros the Confessor as a Model for our Lives
Saint Nikephoros the Confessor as a Model for our Lives
March: Day 13: Saint Nikephoros the Confessor
The Holy Canons of Saint Nikephoros the Confessor
A 9th Century Saint and Patriarch of Constantinople Who Disputed the Book of Revelation
Book Review: "The Patriarch Nicephorus of Constantinople. Ecclesiastical Policy and Image Worship in the Byzantine Empire"
The Holy Canons of Saint Nikephoros the Confessor
A 9th Century Saint and Patriarch of Constantinople Who Disputed the Book of Revelation
Book Review: "The Patriarch Nicephorus of Constantinople. Ecclesiastical Policy and Image Worship in the Byzantine Empire"