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August 20, 2021

Miracles of Saints Reginos and Orestes in Fasoula of Cyprus (Part 1)

By Presbyter Haralambos Neophytos

When I was serving the community of Fasoula [a village in the Limassol District of Cyprus] as a regular pastor and I had contacts with the residents of the village, I was told various miracles of Saints Reginos and Orestes, who had been martyred in their village, in the time of the great persecution of the early fourth century.

As I began to find out these miracles they started to be forgotten and it is sad, because they are not recorded somewhere and over time they will be forgotten. So I decided with my poor strength to try and gather the miracles of the Saints of Fasoula to preserve them and in order to be taught.

The miracles of the Saints strengthen and rekindle our faith in God. Miracles are the result of the fervent faith of people, and should exist and be studied by Christians, in order to imitate the Christian life and the piety of our Saints.

This project of mine was not easy because it is miracles of many years in the past and the dates were forgotten. Also the meeting with the persons who were healed is impossible because, some died, others are abroad, and of those who are in Cyprus only some we could meet.

This effort took me a year and I found reliable people and they told me the incidents of the miracles and the names of the healed and the time they happened. I'm sure these miracles took place as they were narrated to me by these people.

From the various incidents that I heard in the village, when I was serving there, the living presence of Saint Reginos is ascertained and the inhabitants of Fasoula rarely mentioned Saint Orestes.
Accept therefore, pious Christians, these miracles of Saints Reginos and Orestes, and glorify God who gave such powers to His servants as a benefaction and consolation for all of us.

Honor also our fellow servants who were found worthy of such great honor, and imitate them in faith and boldness before the Lord, that you may be found worthy also of their gifts.

1. A Sick Child is Healed

The first and most recent miracle we will mention is the healing of young Andrew from Fasoula. This took place on 20 February 1994. Here is the story as it was told to me by his mother, Mrs. Roula Vasiliou.

"One day my youngest son Andrew, one and a half years old, became suddenly sick. Analysis showed an infection in the blood. The doctors attempted many serums but there was no result. The infection progressed and Andrew's veins, the doctor said, had practically been destroyed. After much effort, fortunately, they found one vein in the leg of the child that held on to the serum with its powerful antibiotic. 'The baby has a serious condition,' the doctor told me.

My pain could not be described, it was unbearable. I couldn't believe it, and I would tell myself over and over again it could not be true. But the nightmare was true. A black cloud of despair came over me, and I was at an impasse since I was unable to do anything.

Then suddenly in those difficult moments, in the black cloud of my despair, an invisible power revived me. Something within me, very powerfully told me that my baby would become well. My disposition changed and with great courage, and mental strength, I stood next to my sick baby. Nothing bad would happen to him because Saint Reginos was protecting him. That day, early in the morning, I took my baby to the Chapel of Saints Reginos and Orestes, I had him blessed and rubbed with the miraculous stones which are at his tomb, and with all the strength of my soul I begged the Saint to heal him, and the miracle happened! The baby became well."

2. Healing of the Mute Boy
Mrs. Xenia Skottis, a resident of Limassol, told us the following:

"In 1971, after 8 months of pregnancy, I gave birth to a cute baby boy. But not 24 hours passed when the child suffered a chill. With the help of God and the efforts of the doctors he became well, but he became disabled. Athos, this is the name of the child, physiologically grew, but ten months passed and he did not articulate a word, not even mama or papa. The pediatrician who monitored him could do nothing. A lady from the village of Fasoula told us about the wonderworking Saints of her village, Reginos and Orestes. Therefore on the 20th of August, the feast day of the Saints, my husband and I took our child and we went to Fasoula. The Divine Liturgy took place in the ruined church above the tomb of the Saints. When the time came for the Great Entrance, and the priest was passing by us with the Precious Gifts, I saw my young one stretch out his hands for me to take him in my arms, and to my surprise I heard him cry out for the first time 'Mama'. Imagine my joy! With a lot of emotion I glorified God and thanked Saints Reginos and Orestes.

We will never forget this benevolence. This is why we glorify God and honor His Saints. Since then every year we go to their church on the feast of the Saints and we give the gifts of our thanksgiving and gratitude."

Note: The healed child, Athos, today is a student at a University in America. Out of gratitude to Saints Reginos and Orestes, Xenia donated enough money for the paving of the courtyard of the new church of the Saints.

3. Healing of Leukemia

Residents of the village of Fasoula told us the following miracle:

A Cypriot who lived and worked in England, whose name was John, suffered from leukemia. Doctors were unable to help him, because leukemia is a form of cancer. When science was unable to help him, he turned to God and the Saints. He had heard about the miracles of Saint Reginos, so one day he took his wife Yiannoula and they came to Fasoula. They found the priest, told him, and he did a Supplicatory Canon to Saints Reginos and Orestes, and soon after the miracle took place. The sickness departed from John and he became completely healthy. Out of gratitude he made a vow of a thousand lira which he payed in installments, thanking God and the Saints.


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